Saturday, November 21, 2009


The film begins with an Englishman going to a temple at Kalindi at night time. He ends up seeing the priest of the temple in a horrific state. The priest had sliced his body with a scythe and carved an Om on his body. The man horrified who is shocked and horrified by the sight of this, runs away from the temple. The story then changes to a model Nandita who is in love with a man named Yash, who directs and hosts a reality show "Andhvishwas". Yash's show covers various superstitions of ghosts and voodoos. Yash and Nandita move into an apartment where they start living and Nandita ends up getting pregnant. One night Nandita ends up facing a man named Prithvi, who is an aspiring artist who is in search of his lost masterpiece. Prithvi informs Nandita that he created a sketch 4 months earlier of a girl which he claims is Nandita. He shows her a painting where Nandita is lying with her wrist slit and bleeding. Prithvi warns Nandita of danger. But by accident Nandita actually slits her wrist from a ghostly attack in her in bathroom. Prithvi saves her and rushes her to hospital. Yash comes to the hospital and finds out about Nandita's pregnancy and her miscarriage from excessive bleeding. Nandita complains about Prithvi to Yash. Yash makes the police arrest Prithvi but he's later released.Meanwhile at Kalindi, Himachal Pradesh, the same Englishman David Cooper, who is the owner of the Kalindi chemical plant, hangs himself after writing on the wall in Hindi "Tum ashudh ho, sadh chuke ho which means 'you are impure', with his own blood. The investigaters of the suicide start to get affected in a bad way from the suicide. Prithvi paints another picture of Nandita getting mobbed. He goes to a fashion show where Nandita is performing. She ends up getting possessed and attacks a Spiritual Gura at the show. She uses the same lines "Tum ashudh Ho, sadh chuke ho" to the guru that were written in Kalindi. Prithvi comes to her rescue but guards stopped him. They take Nandita away from the guruji and audiences.The guru comes on the TV and reveals that Nandita is possessed. Yash finds out about this and made her apologize and tell them she has mental problems. The Police leave Prithvi. Nandita gets another ghostly attack in her bathroom with same lines written in her mirror. She asks Prithvi for help her. Prithvi doesn't help but instead shows her a new painting in which she is hung at her back the lines were written again. He also shows her some news clippings where the death of the priest and David Cooper is shown, with the same lines written at the back. Nandita thanks him and leaves. She goes to a party with Yash and she gets attacked again by some unknown powers and starts to bleed. Meanwhile Prithvi gets ready to help Nandita and burns the hanging painting of Nandita which which to him means that he will protect her. Nandita runs out of the party, bleeding. Prithvi sees her on the road and chases her. Finally Prithvi finds her in a slum where she is writing same lines with her blood. He tries to stop her but finds out that she is possessed with a ghost. She tries to kill herself but Prithvi stops it. Yash arrives to find out that Nandita is in Prithvi's arms.Yash wants to help Nandita, but only if she leaves Prithvi but Nandita stays with Prithvi and go to Kalindi. Yash ends things with Nandita. Nandita goes to Kalindi with Prithvi in search of the truth. They meet the priest's wife who is now becomes a prostitute. She tells them that it was her husband who was evil and his death was not a surprise after telling them about all the horrible things he did in the name of religion. They go to the police inspector’s house, where they find out that he's lost his mind and kills himself by shooting himself in the head. Prithvi and Nandita stay in a guest house. Nandita once again gets possessed by the spirit at night. The spirit leads her to a forest where she continuously gets attacked by paranormal activities. She starts to see people hanging from trees and getting beaten. She sees a well and somebody standing near it and goes for it. Just as she is about to jump, Prithvi catches her. It is revealed that it was not a jungle, but the steep edge of a cliff.Nandita and Prithvi continue their journey on their jeep. One night animals attack and destroy their jeep. Nandita leaves the jeep and heads towards the trees where she sees the same well. This time before Prithvi catches her, she jumps inside. Prithvi follows her. There in the well, Nandita learns that it is Prithvi's father Veer Pratap Singh (Jackie Shroff) who is the spirit. He once found out that the Kalindi chemical plant dumps its toxins in the Kalindi sacred lake, where thousands gather once in a year to bathe in a sacred ritual. He lodges a complaint against David Cooper but is warned by the policeman and the priest against doing anything, or his life will be in peril. In return he tells them that "Tum ashudh Ho, sadh chuke ho".Veer Pratap tries to tell the truth to everyone, but is killed by the goons of the priest and murdered and dumped in the same well. His substantial spirit comes back for his revenge. He killed David Cooper, the policeman and the priest who were with David. Prithvi gets to know the truth but is confused why Nandita was used for this. Nandita comes to know that it was Yash actually withheld the proof of Veer Singh's death and sold them to David for sponsor his show. Nandita tries to escape with the tapes but gets caught by Yash. Prithvi comes for rescue, but Yash Stabs Prithvi. Finally the spirit of Veer attacks Yash and kills him. Veer heals Prithvi's wound and goes to heaven. Nandita gets united with Prithvi

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